Well, for one, she obviously sees me as her rescuer. That's just a matter of course for shelter dogs. Milton looks at Robert with such devotion and gratitude--Annie gives me the same look. But what else does she see in me?
She obviously doesn't see me as a fat woman. She doesn't look at my body with disgust and revulsion. Even when she's asleep, she wants to touch me with a toe or the tip of her nose.
She obviously doesn't harbor any resentment or disappointment in my stilted approach to writing my dissertation. In fact, when I need to write on my laptop, she is happy to sit beside me or under my feet, as long as she's nearby.
She obviously doesn't judge my all-too-often decision just to stay in my work-out clothes all day because they're comfortable. As far as she's concerned, my comfortable clothes are comfortable for her, too.
She obviously doesn't see me as lazy or inconsiderate. I'm not sure she even notices the piles of laundry that have accumulated, or the fact that it's Robert who cooks dinner most frequently, even on "my" nights.
She obviously doesn't judge my hair or the fact that I choose to wear it pulled back every.single.day. As long as I give her a good whiff of my hair straight out the shower, she's happy.
She obviously doesn't reject my training methods because I am a first-time puppy owner. As far as she's concerned, I'm an old pro at this. She listens to my commands and respects them for what they are. (Plus, she knows she'll get all kinds of kisses and cuddles if she follows my directions.)
To Annie, I'm a source of rules, food, cookies (sometimes, especially when we're learning something brand new), affection (like really awesome tummy rubs), and shelter. To Annie, I am not my baggage. I am not someone with failures worth noting or someone who should be rejected on the basis of those failures.
Perhaps it would be fair to suggest, and I am not attempting to equate my husband to my dog, that Annie sees me in a similar way that Robert must see me. Before we got married--hell, even now I find myself saying this to him--I would tell him, "I just can't see the woman that you see when you look at me." And he would respond, "One day you will." Same goes for Annie. I can't see the woman that she sees when she looks at me. I don't look in the mirror and think, "Wow. I am truly awesome, just like Robert, Annie, Milton, Callie, and Beatrice think I am!" (I would wager that most of us don't do this when we look in the mirror.) Instead, when I look in the mirror (if I look in the mirror), I see the flaws, the failures, the need for improvement, the places to be corrected. I see the shortcomings, the self-disappointments, the rejections.
But I'll tell you what friends, it's a waste of my time. If I'm the only one who sees myself this way when I look in the mirror, then it's a freaking waste of time.
And I'll tell you another thing. In a couple of weeks, I turn 29. That means next year, I begin a whole other decade. The last time I started a whole other decade (literally 9 days afterward), our country was attacked and my sweet little world was a little bit more jaded and cynical. I feel like I've wasted a decade on cynicism and sarcasm (not wit, mind you--sarcasm is a poor second to wit).
I will not spend the next decade, my thirties, rummaging through twenty-nine years' worth of baggage.
I will be the person my husband thinks I am.
I will be the person my dog thinks I am.
I think you all would like her, if their opinion of her is any indication.
I think most of us know her better than you might think ;-). That person usually only stays hidden from him or herself.
What a beautiful entry cousin! I agree...it sometimes takes us extra time and effort to see who we really are. What good is it to kick ourselves? I know it's not something that can be changed over night but I need to work on the same problem. I am all to quick to judge everything bad I've ever done or point out the physical things I don't think about myself. It's sad when you stop and realize all the things you hold against yourself. We simply don't have the time to be so unhappy! =) I know you can do it...I love you and who you are!
Amazing post! I've been tracking on this same vein in my own life as I'm approaching 30 (ETA: 6 mos). I love how you painted the picture and now I want to go and paint my own :)
You are AMAZING in my book!
Hate to break it to you, but your friends see you the way your animals and husband see you, too. And it is possible to wake up and look in the mirror and truly believe in yourself, your accomplishments, and your nature. Practice, practice, practice. ;) Love you hon!! BIG HUG!!!
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