Friday, June 5, 2009

Delay in "grand opening"

Originally I had the brilliant-turned-tarnished hope of having this blog updated for the first time (officially) on June 4th.  It is now June 5th, and, I'm sad to say, I'm not going to update this with a real entry.

Instead, I'm going to say that my husband and I just got back from our honeymoon on the 3rd, we've been catching up on our jet lag between yesterday and today while also moving me into his house.  Tomorrow is his birthday (the first as husband and wife! :D), and we're spending it with family of course.

The grand opening of the blog will likely have to be pushed at least a week.  I will try for sometime between Monday and Wednesday of next week.

Also, for the record, I am getting incredible joy and warm fuzzies just simply by typing the words "my husband." :)


Mama McCall said...

I'll check back. So happy for you!

Preben and Ellen said...

can't wait!! i hope you'll post some wedding pictures!!